mercredi 29 novembre 2017

2017 News from week 48

News from week 48

1. Found additional photographs from the 69 sessions by John Haynes. Among other,
- I know have a more precise idea of the green house,
- I found the first glimpse of the goldfish pond that lays between the pool and the greenhouse
- They provided me some more ideas how to model the garage which I beleive looks nothing like the floorplan that was drawn in 1965. Maybe this was just a test, who knows.

2. Found one more picture of the 24th birthday party in Kinfaus. "Behind the locked door" book informed me of the presence of Roger McGuinn. Well, he's in this picture. Also on the picture are Ali Akbar Khan on sarod, Mahapurush Misra on tabla  and Amiya Dasgupta on sitar. Anyone with Henry Grossman book "Places I remember" tells me if I miss some, please ?

3. Also this week begun modelling the diving board (see previous entry)

4. At least I placed this evening the famous fireplace from The Fool, into the living room. Btw, I got a nice mail from Marijke Kooger whith some background about the Fool involvment  on Kinfauns paintings. More to come next week.

lundi 27 novembre 2017

dimanche 26 novembre 2017

2017 - News from Week 47

What a week !

  • I have received of huge amounts of answers from Mrs. Mason who, as some of you know, purchased Kinfauns from George harrison, no less ! She informed me that the old garage, appended to the house in the mid sixties, included the round windows living room of course, but also a very small recording studio. That might me the place the Beatles recorded, mixed, overdubbed the so called "Kinfauns demos", in spring 1967. Mrs. Mason reveals that apart from the round glasses from the living room, the only thing remaining in the actual building are the round windows, the old garage, and the wooden gate that blocked continuous Beatles fans from stealing gravels as relics. More to come, for sure !
  • I also received a very kind mail from Mrs Benjamin Whitaker, son of the late Robert Whitaker who provided me stills from a very special photosession. Yes, the one with George Harrison painting his house ! That helped me so much understanding the topgraphy of the house. I previously work on very LQ photographs, so those were hugely helpful.
  • Inspecting the fisheye photo of Brian and Anita (or Suki Potier ?) visiting Kinfauns, it appears that the greenhouse is alredy there. But, is this Anita of Suki ? Most probably Suki ? When did she dated Brian Jones, I got to find out to put out a date on this picture.

mardi 21 novembre 2017

Paper Kinfauns

I've just come to discover the project of Dirk Stevesyns who rebuilt Kinfauns but in a cardboard version.

Check this out !

lundi 20 novembre 2017

The Fool mural and fireplace

I've always wondered where is this famous fireplace in Kinfauns. We all know Robert Whitaker's famous photograph showing the colourful mural.

The most obvious choice would be to place it in the "living room" described on the original building, close to the dining room. But something's not quite right. Should someone face the fireplace, there's not enough room at the right. Also, if you look at the far right, you should see the widows like the one that are above the "Mick and Mariane were here". But you don't. Arghh ! So that could be anywhere else.

Luckily, we have something else. For George Harrison 24th birthday, Henry Grossman photographed him in his house. Two pictures are interesting for this clue. One of them shows his hanging a picture framed on a wall.

On the foreground,  there's something quite interesting : a brick circle that has the same shape than the fireplace (1). On the back ground (2), just behind George, you see a door that is place exactly like the door leading to the old garage if you're outside. And on the bottom, you see a curvature on the bottom of the wall that looks like in the following picture. Please keep in mind the decoration of the curtains.

Next, two years later, John Haynes came to visit George and photograph him in Kinfauns

On the picture above you see the same curvature on the wall that you saw on George birthday session. Above you see the caracteristic windows that are seen above the "Mick and Marianne were here" psychedelic grafiti. Bingo, now you know where the place the psychedelic fireplace ! That's in the "porthole window room", on the other side of the wall. My guess is that the original fireplace, was translated to the other side of the wall. To support that, I beleive that the picture below was taken in 1966-1967 when the old garage was concerted onto an additional room. Amond the work here you can see that the old chimney has been destroyed

To go full circle, you might ask youself, where does the door as the right of the fireplace leads to ? Well, to the extended kitchen. but, that's the next story !

dimanche 19 novembre 2017

Goals of this blog

Ths blog is centered around Kinfauns, a mock-tudor bungalow that was build in the 50's and demolished in the early 20's. I will try to find any info regarding the bungalow in its Z shaped era